Don and Marie Ruzicka at Sunrise Farm invite you to tour and experience this heritage, organic prairie land as it shows it’s environmental stewardship to the public.
If you are interested in the health and future of this farm as it actively works with community to develop a farm co-operative, this is your opportunity to learn from the owners their practice which has led to a healthy landscape with abundant biodiversity in resilient ecosystems.
Register to participate:
Call Ina 780 672 3683
780 679-5760
Directions provided with your registration for tour
Tours by car pool from Camrose to farm near Killam
A.M. Tour meet @ 8:45
Meet in front of Lougheed Centre
P.M Tour meet @ 12:15.
Cost is free, bring your own water/lunch / snacks
Drive yourself or share your vehicle with others. If you require ride, we can ride share!
Space limited to 40 persons each tour
Sunrise Farm recently shortlisted as National trust Nomination –Ecclesiastical Insurance Cornerstone Awards in the Transformative Projects category!